Chen Gang:A Teaching God
来源:外国语学院     发布时间:2018-05-03    作者:                
 SupervisorCao Zhiliu; Huang Xiaoyun

Student: He Lin, English Major


Chen GangA Teaching God

Source: The Publicity Department, Guangxi Medical University

Release Date: November 13, 2017


Having studied in Europe for seven years with double Ph. Degrees and having worked in hospital for 17years as a molecular pathologist, Chen Gang was selected to a member of Guangxi Medical University Outstanding Young Talents Training Program.

Hailed as a male god by students, he has got outstanding achievements in the past 17 years. In 2013, he set up an undergraduate scientific research team and guided the team members to do research on tumor molecular pathology. He helped undergraduates to participate in 56 scientific research projects, such as “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project for College Students” and “Future Academic Star Extracurricular Scientific Research Project”. Under his guidance, about 20 students won the honor of “Man of the Year of Guangxi Medical University”, “Ten Best Scientific Research Models” and “Future Academic Star”. And with his assistance, the students have published 50 articles in SCI journals.

Chen won the first prize in National MBSS Young Teachers English Teaching Contest in 2016, the Ye Fusun Teacher’s Award (Guangxi Medical University’s honor teacher) in 2017.



来源:宣传部   发布时间:2017-11-13   作者:   点击量:529







Profound Accumulation & Personalized Teaching

As a medical teacher, what qualities should we have?

Mr. Chen said, "Academic accumulation is the key for a teacher to reach his profound profession level. To give the students a drop of water, I must prepare a full bucket of water, even a well of water." As a teacher, we must know well specialized knowledge and follow the latest research information in the field and teach the students in class by throwing a sprat to catch a whale. Only in this way can we lead the students to study further."

Mr. Chen believed that the art of teaching is critical for improving the teaching quality. He insisted teaching should be in accordance to the students with various teaching methods. The goal of teaching is to teach a man to fish rather than giving him a fish.

Mr. Chen's teaching model was extremely special. Firstly, he highlighted interdisciplinary learning methods to help students understand pathological knowledge. Mr. Chen said, "Interdisciplinary study can deepen students’ understanding of pathological knowledge. When teaching, I usually connect pathology with other disciplines. For example, teaching histopathological morphology, I will connect it with another subject, like anatomy and histoembryology, to help students understand the morphological difference between normal state and different diseases by comparing pathological change of different diseases. I also encourage students to use this learning method to study other disciplines and develop a good learning habit.

Frankly speaking, Mr. Chen was an excellent painter. He emphasized image teaching in class and always drew morphological diagrams, arrow diagram etc. to help students understand the complex concepts more logically and vividly.

Mr. Chen encouraged students learning by “teaching”, including self-teaching and peer-teaching. This teaching method was student-centered and teachers-assisted, which could help the students to develop the active learning ability and cultivate the capability of discovering and solving problems by themselves. Consequently, it might extremely promote the students' initiative and improve the teaching quality. Mr. Chen held that both students and teachers could benefit from it. He also suggested that teachers could design a more suitable teaching plan with better understanding their students' thoughts.










Teach by Precept and Example & Plough without Stopping 

During the award ceremony of Guangxi Medical University Ten Best Scientific Research Models in 2016, the students of Mr. Chen's team occupied most places. This new shiny team caught all attentions.  Most students were curious about this team led by Mr. Chen and eager to join in with them.  What on earth are the magic of this team?

Mr. Chen recalled," The original reason to set up the tumor molecular pathology undergraduate research team is to meet their needs of scientific research. When returning back from abroad in 2013, I found that many excellent students couldn’t get appropriate guidance from the teachers. So I squeezed time once a week to help them after work to satisfy their curiosity on scientific research.”

After founding the team, by taking good use of the spare time, weekends and holidays, Mr. Chen led the students with the same interest to do research in the field of molecular tumor pathology, supervising them from collecting cases, staining tissue sections, evaluating the outcome, analyzing data statistics and polishing papers, etc. The students of the team recalled," it is exceedingly lucky to be a member of the team. Mr. Chen usually revised the papers over nights, and gave technic assistants to students with their scientific problems day and night.

No pains, no gains. Mr. Chen proceeded with confidence in finding the training system for cultivating the students’ ability in scientific research, when the first SCI article was published and more research products followed. With the development of the team, it even attracted students of various academic levels from undergraduates, masters to doctors to join in.

“I am filled with a huge sense of accomplishment to see what the students have achieved.”Mr. Chen remembered the outstanding students of every grade, for example ,Yang Xia, Chen Wenjie, Pan Denghua, Liu Yongru of grade 2011, Zhang Xin, Ye Zhihua, Luo Yihuan, Wang Hanlin of grade 2012, Lan Aihua, Chan Peng, Wu Peirong of grade 2013, Gao Li, Xie Zucheng, Ying Shuya, Shi Ke, Huang Jiacheng, Chen Weiluan of grade 2014, Gao xiang, Li tiantian of grade 2015 etc.

Today the team has achieved more in all aspects. In 2017, a total of 17 scientific research projects were approved for them. About 10 more papers were submitted to SCI journals. Mr. Chen attached importance to the association of scientific research with the students' career development, and its impact on learning environment.  






  付出必定是会有收获的。从课题组培养的本科同学第一篇一作SCI paper见刊,到随后本科生参与的科研工作成果陆续发表,让陈老师在摸索学生科研能力培养模式上坚定了信心。随后肿瘤分子病理学本科科研团队不断壮大,甚至吸引了从本科生到硕士到博士各个层次的学生参与和学习。 




Mr. Chen’s Unselfish Love for the Students

Having taught for 17 years, Mr. Chen was a patient artist on teaching platform who makes the students with thirst for knowledge more mature. He was also a mentor who escorted batches of students on their journey to success.

“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.’’ This was the classical QQ signature of Mr. Chen to encourage his students to work hard. Most students amusingly said, "When meeting with trouble in study, research or life, we always think of Chen’s words and conquer the difficulties.

Ready to give students timely assistance, Mr. Chen showed great concern for students' study and needs. Mr. Chen said, "The students in our team are those who are not afraid of hardship for most of the training time are on weekends and holidays. Many poor students who cannot afford computers or network keep staying in school keep up with the research and study during the weekends and holidays, which really make me touched.  They are doom to succeed one day.”

Students said that Mr. Chen took great pains to help students with financial trouble. For example, he often bought computers to poor students in the team, installed the network for the students from the poverty-stricken areas. Mr. Chen not only helped students in study but also in life, which can undoubtedly ensure students’ academic success. His meticulous care encouraged students to go ahead.

  "New bamboo branch must be higher than the old one; it's all up to the old branch to support it. If there are successors next year, excellent candidates will be in line. "Holding on to his own teaching idea, Mr. Chen worked hard in teaching position in pursuit of fostering scientific talents in clinic and research who meet the needs of the new era.

 Mr. Chen was writing a new chapter in his own career. From his perspective, he valued more on his students' achievement than his own. It was firmly convinced that he and his students will always on the way of chasing their dreams, and in the coming future become a teaching god who continuously exceeds himself.




  “If you only do what you can do , you will never be more than you are now . ”这是陈老师经典的QQ签名,他经常用来鼓励学生。很多同学风趣地说,平时学习、科研和生活当中遇到困难的时候都会想到陈老师说的这句话,从而迎难而上。



