The Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, CAMS founded in Guangxi Medical University
来源:外国语学院     发布时间:2018-05-03    作者:                
 SupervisorCao Zhiliu; Huang Xiaoyun

StudentHuang Yanhong, Translation and Interpreting Major


The Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, CAMS founded in Guangxi Medical University

Source: The Publicity Department, Guangxi Medical University

Release Date: December 11, 2017


On the morning of December 9, 2017, the Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), was founded in Guangxi Medical University. Many doctors and specialists attended the opening ceremony, including Huang Ribo, vice-chairman of the Peolple’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and also the president of Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Liu Depei, an advisor of chairman of Guangxi Government and former vice-president of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Xue, vice-president of CAMS, vice-president of Peking Union Medical College and also a specialist invited by Guangxi government, and other officials from Guangxi Health and Family Planning Commission, Guangxi Education Department, Guangxi Science and Technology Department, Guangxi Association for Science and Technology and the leaders of Guangxi Medical University as well.

On the opening ceremony, on behalf of the President of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and President of Peking Union Medical College, Prof. Zhang Xue announced the approval of Founding the Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, CAMS and awarded the letters of appointment to the Director of the Laboratory and the Director of Academic Committee. Afterward, all the participating experts and leaders jointly unveiled the nameplate of the Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS).

Thalassemia is a genetic and hemolytic disease, occurring relatively often in Mediterranean regions, Southeast Asian regions and Southern China. Having serious impact on population quality, bringing a heavy burden on families and society, it has become a public health issue that affects social harmony and development. The government of Guangxi has attached great importance to the study of Thalassemia prevention and control. Since 2010, the academician Liu Depei has been appointed as an advisor of Guangxi government’s Chairman and Prof. Zhang Xue, as a special expert to support and promote the comprehensive implementation of the "thalassemia prevention and control plan" in Guangxi, and has promoted the implementation of 2014 Thalassemia Prevention and Control Coverage Project of National Health and Family Planning Commission based on Guangxi intervention Model in the 10 provinces(cities) with high incidence of Thalassemia in the Southern China. It plays an important part in lowering the birth defects and improving the population quality.

As the center of medical education, clinical medical research and health care in Guangxi, Guangxi Medical University fully implements the national policies and guidance in the fields of education, health care, science and technology. Since 1950s, it has already conducted researches about Thalassemia control, and carried out the researches on genetic diagnosis of thalassemia, early prenatal diagnosis and abnormal hemoglobin with Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Basic Medical Sciences in the late 1970s. It has undertaken more than 40 scientific projects of Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Health and Family Planning Commission and Department of Science and Technology of Guangxi. It has obtained great achievements and widely applied in Thalassemia clinical diagnosis and prevention. In recent five years, about 8000000 cases of thalassemia has been screened and diagnosed in Guangxi, and more than 6000 cases of children with severe thalassemia have been avoided, and the incidence of birth defect is greatly reduced to 11.26%, which contributes a lot to the society. It has won more than 20 national and provincial scientific achievement awards, such as the Second Prize for Science& Technology Achievement of the Ministry of Health P. R. China, the Song Qingling Pediatrics Prize and the First Prize for Science& Technology Achievement of Guangxi. In 2013, the Science magazine focused on its news coverage of Guangxi Medical University’s research on Thalassemia prevention and control, and the Chinese government’s prevention and control plan.

In accordance with the development strategy of Healthy China raised by the CPC 19th National Congress, and to meet the needs for the development of  higher education and medical health service in this new age, the Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control, CAMS in Guangxi Medical University (GMU), will bring high-level talents together under the principle of open, mobility, union, and competition, carry out innovative researches and produce a number of landmark achievements. It will enhance its competitive power and innovation ability, strengthen the exchanges and cooperation with high incidence areas of Thalassemia along the One Belt and One Road of, and take great efforts to build the laboratory as a higher-level clinic research base, as well as a Silk Road for Health, to serve the Southern China, Southeast Asian countries with  high incidence of Thalassemia.

After the opening ceremony, in the accompany of GMU’s general secretary Liu Youyi and the president Zhao Jinmin, the attendees visited the Key Laboratory of Thalassemia Prevention and Control of CAMS, Regenerative Medicine Laboratory and Guangxi Medical University Regenerative Medicine and Cooperative Medical Technology Co Ltd.



来源:宣传部  发布时间:2017-12-11  作者:韦杨  点击量:






